Picnic Table Talk – Storytelling.

This week’s ABC and 123’s Picnic Table Talk is Storytelling.

Today we worked on the story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We used finger puppets I bought half price at a local toy boutique when they were clearing their stock (yeah, that’s the only way I’d pay for some of the things there) and wooden doll furniture accessories for props.




Don’t have finger puppets or props?

No worries – I found this cute printable Goldilocks and the Three Bears finger puppet and stage backdrop at Inkless Tales. You can download color images on the right sidebar.

My middle daughter has such a vivid imagination, she doesn’t even need real props to tell stories.

You may have seen this link before, but I’m linking to it again for this storytelling post as she used things collected from nature to tell the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Story sequencing cards are also a great way to help with comprehension of stories and of what comes first, next and last.

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13 Responses to Picnic Table Talk – Storytelling.

  1. Katie says:

    What an adorable little 3 Bears set. Great props. This practice with retelling is so beneficial to your kids as they develop comprehension and recall. I love it! Thanks for joining the picnic table talk this week!

  2. growinginpeace says:

    Thanks Katie. We also have the set for Little Red Riding Hood. The finger puppets by the way are from Manhattan Toys, but I got them for $10 a set when the toy boutique had them on clearance.

  3. Ticia says:

    Cute! I seriously think I need to start a finger puppet collection.

  4. Natalie says:

    I thought that the version of Goldilocks at Inkless Tales was rather hilarious. That’s what I call good storytelling 🙂 I am totally jealous of your wooden furniture. Have you seen the theater that we built – http://learningwithmouse.blogspot.com/2009/06/making-of-theater.html. Anna loves to watch the plays that we put out for her – maybe one day she will act the stories out herself. In fact, she does it more and more every day based on what she reads and watches.

  5. growinginpeace says:

    Natalie – that’s a cute theater! How creative!

    Lots of times the kids would just use the back of the couch to hide behind!

    Yeah, I was wondering if anyone would notice that story. Goldilocks was very high maintenance, wasn’t she?

  6. growinginpeace says:

    Oh, yeah, by the way, the wooden furniture is all mismatched sets by the way. I keep my eyes out for clearances and occasionally get lucky. Some is Ryan’s room, some is Melissa and Doug Make Your Own doll furniture, and some is Plan Toys. It’s taken a while to get the furniture that way, but I don’t like paying full price for the sets – they are way too expensive.

  7. Cindy J says:

    Score on the finger puppets. My little man loves them. We got him some big Folkmanis puppets for his b-day but, they are so spendy.

  8. growinginpeace says:

    Cindy – I like the Folkmanis puppets. They are really well made and so detailed, but man…you are right, they are spendy!

  9. Diana says:

    What adorable puppets and furniture! I need to pull out our stash of puppets and play with my boys.

  10. Hi! I’m the writer of the Goldilocks story you guys liked. Thanks, BTW. (Means a LOT.)

    SO: you need furniture? How about I make some for your kids to put together themselves out of paper, or instructions and idea-starters? (I’m also an artist, specializing in working with recycled materials.)

    What else would you be interested in? I adore puppets, and I think they’re GREAT imaginative learning tools for kids.

    ANYTHING you guys need or want, or would like to see on InklessTales.com? Just write me at elizabeth@inklesstales.com, and I’ll see what I can do. I really, really do respond to all the e-mail I get – and I have often built games on request, written stories because readers have asked for them, etc.

    So please don’t be shy!

    Meanwhile, keep on the lookout: I’m going to be releasing a VERY low-cost e-book on fun, educational and FREE activities that kids can do either on their own, or with minimal help from their grownup – so their grownup can sit for five minutes and have a cup of tea or coffee while kids can build critical autonomy AND critical thinking skills.

    Thanks for the kind words!

    (BTW: NOT selling anything. Seriously: very committed to keeping InklessTales.com a useful, fun resource for kids and grownups, NOT a scammy thing. 🙂

    DO check out the grownups, blog: http://inklesstales.com/forgrownups/.


  11. growinginpeace says:

    Elizabeth…thanks for the information. I just might do a post about you and your site. I think that your website is great! Thanks for all the work you’ve done!

  12. growinginpeace says:

    Oh, and I think the great thing about that Goldilocks printable thing is that it would be lightweight and portable – great idea to put in the travel kit for the kids when we go on vacation!

  13. growinginpeace says:

    Okay – definitely will have to check out the inkless tales for grownups – but I gotta get the kids to the fire station today for their open house.


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